title: "Angular"
- Naming of variables should be 'VerbNoun' phrased with camel casing. The possible verb and noun naming for different modules will be there in each project ReadMe.
- For Redux based applications, the store data should be run through a VO service which will be input to the presentation component
- The logic to fetch and set data will be in container component while the presentation component will be dump and it will just show the data from inputs
- In maximum possible cases use the change detection strategy onPush.
- For singleton services take care to use root 'provideIn' to avoid multiple instantiations if not required.
- Ideally a function should not be longer than 50-60 lines. Split the code and group them in a neat and readable way.
- Every method should have its signature commented on top.
- Strict typing should be ensured everywhere. Avoid use of 'any'.
- Always have :TODO labelled for anything which is to be postponed to do later.
- Use alias for import routes accordingly as need in tsconfig. This will make it easy to write imports. ex:
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"@app/": ["app/"],
"@env/": ["environments/"]
- Write business comments rather than short technical comments.
- Every rxjs subscription handles should be pushed to an array / use subscription.add(), and unsubscribed accordingly(for components, it can be inside ngDestroy hooks)
- Strictly follow the order of declaring class variables and methods in components as in the specified linting rule.
- Components should always have subscriptions (no observable chaining is needed inside a component, such can be delegated to vo or va services.)
- Event binding methods should return quickly to ensure short change detection cycles. If its doing heavy computations, make it async.
- Avoid use of nested subscriptions, instead use proper observable chaining to get the job done.
- Always use take(1) operator if we do not need to observe for further emissions.
- Always use lazy loading of modules.
- Have shared modules for sharing services and variables
- Always have selector naming of components in a particular format(preferably prefixed with application name abbreviation)
- Avoid making htmls smart by using expressions and pipes, rather use utility functions which can do the manipulations at VO level.
- VO stands for View Object, which is the object that's made from the database object, which can be directly rendered with UI layer
- VA stands for View Actions, which deals with handling the actions from the view layer.
- DBO stands for the Database Object.
- Module naming, service naming, component naming and route naming should be having a specific formatting which should be mentioned in the project readme. Default naming should be
Module - entity name suffixed with 'Module', ex: ProductModule. here use the entity name as singular.
Component - entity name suffixed with 'Component', ex: ProductComponent
NgRx guidelines
- All actions description should follow a particular syntax,
[<module>] <Action description>
. The syntax should be specified in the readme. - Always remember to have the default case in all reducers.
- Every reducer should have proper interfaces and initial values
- Always have loaded and loading variables populated while doing side effects and have proper selectors for them.
- Write selectors in a separate file always.
- Avoid writing logic inside reducer methods, instead just add the data to the state.
- Remember to clear state data and reset to initial state when logout occurs.
- Side effect actions should have success and failure case handled.
- integration with the apis should be done at different set of service files, which are in turn called from effects.
- Data input to these service files might be vo, which should be converted to dbo before sending with the api.
- Core module is the module which has Actions, reducers, api services, effects, and selectors.
- Always have entities in the reducer than plain array and use ngrx entity adapter to fetch and add data.